Monday, March 18, 2013

Millions of shades of green!

A visit to the vast beautiful lands of Tarangire & the wonders of the Ngorongoro crater is always a treat for a birder. Who ever told you there is not much happening this time of the year. In-fact there is so much more happening between the millions of shades of green. Trees, grass and miles and miles of land is now all covered in vibrant green camouflages. Many many species of birds breeding. Some common, some rear but overall just incredible. Again, I have tried to capture these timeless and spectacular moments through my Canon lens. I hope they live to your expectations. They surely did to mine.

all photographs copyright - Akil Halai @ Concepts & Designs

Bearded Wood-pecker

Augur Buzzard

African Hoopoe

European Bee-eater

Black-faced Sandgrouse

Eastern Chanting Goshawk

Gabar Goshawk - Melanistic

Golden-winged Sunbird

European Roller

Malachite Sunbird

Pygmy Falcon

Martial Eagle

Red & Yellow Barbet

Red-billed Hornbill

Rosy-patched Bush-shrike - male

Rosy-patched Bush-shrike - female

Scarlet-chested Sunbird - female

Two-banded Courser

Spotted Thick-knee