Friday, February 21, 2014

Lush slopes of the mighty Usambara and Pare eastern arc mountain ranges

I have been to this park a number of times now. 4 to be exact. I just love everything about this beautiful park. Placed under the lush slopes of the mighty Usambara and Pare Eastern Arc Mountain ranges and overseen by highest peak of Africa – the Kilimanjaro, Mkomazi a astounding beauty exhibiting unique natural treasures and spectacular landscapes of hilly semi – arid savannah. I have before hand witnessed many stunning & picturesque sightings, which include – a stripped sand snake feeding on a green-winged Pitilia, An ECG feeding on a red-billed Hornbill, 2 different cheetah sighting’s (one with mother & cub), plenty of oryx, elands and gerenuks, other browsers and not to forget to mention more than 170 different species of birds. It is a fantastic destination for birders, with more than 450 avian species recorded, among them dry – country endemics such as the cobalt – chested vulturine guineafowl, other large ground birds such as ostrich, kori bustard, secretary bird, ground hornbill and some migratory species including Eurasian Roller and the Northern Carmine & European Bee-eaters.

I attached herewith photos from my latest trip in February ’14 accompanied by a good friend and guide Lorenzo Rossi.
All photos copyright @ Akil Halai - All rights reserved