Monday, January 27, 2014

Rubondo Island – Lake Victoria - Treasure Island

God has kept this secret sanctuary only for special people. From the landing to takeoff everything about this unique place is mystic. Landing on the grass runway with a champagne welcome – classy.

A deep forest covers most of the park, providing a diversity of wildlife habitats ranging from savannah, open woodland, swamps to dense forest. These habitats form a home for various wild creatures such as sitatunga (also endemic to the Gombe ecosystem), bushbucks, velvet monkeys, genet cats, spotted necked otters, hippopotamus and crocodiles which share the ecological niches with introduced species such as chimpanzees, elephants, giraffes, black & white colobus monkeys, suni and African grey parrots. The Island holds a variety of migratory birds from different parts of the planet. This is the best time to sight them. It truly is a birder’s paradise!

The chimps are yet again to be rehabilitated. Between 1966 and 1969, 17 chimpanzees had been captured in the wild and then spent various amounts of time in European zoos. Later on they were released in Rubondo. Now there is a healthy population of chimpanzees (we don’t have the exact numbers), and it is likely that there now is a second generation of Rubondo-born primates. Asilia, through many projects are helping out with this enormous task.

The Rubondo Island Lodge (Asilia), is a place camouflaged perfectly for such a habitat. It has all you possibly need. From friendly staff to good food, you wont go wrong with this choice. The activities are plenty to choose from. Sport fishing (catch and release), walking trails & hikes, guided game drives, boating safaris, canoe safaris, bird-watching, forest walks, chimps trekking or relaxing by the lake – this beautifully set-up lodge has everything to offer. Henk & Janine are very experienced and wonderful company to be with. Henk with his fishing expertise & Janine with her broad wildlife knowledge will keep you busy throughout. There is so much to see here. Days will fly by without realizing its time to leave. After wonderful bird sightings & walks assisted by Habibu, our very knowledgeable guide and fellow bird-watcher, it wasn’t easy to bid farewell to this small & un-spoilt paradise.

I will surely be back.

For more info: Contact:

Akil Halai – 26.01.14

All photos copyright. All rights reserved.

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